East Presbyterian Church: The Forgotten Congregation
Thu, May 19
Barbara Nevergold, PhD will deliver a Zoom lecture on an early Buffalo African American church.

Time & Location
May 19, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
About the Event
Between 1830 and 1850, three churches for “colored” citizens were formed to meet the needs of Buffalo’s
African American community: 1) The Vine Street African Episcopal Methodist Church, founded in 1831,
2) the Michigan Street Baptist Church, founded in 1836 and 3) East Presbyterian Church, founded in 1850.
Unlike the first two, however, East Presbyterian Church closed after a decade and is rarely mentioned
among these historic firsts. Generally, East Presbyterian’s existence and contribution to the community-building
efforts of Black Buffalonians have been forgotten or ignored. This presentation will offer a portrait of the
Church, its founding members, its significance during the decade of its existence, and its relationship to t
he Vine Street A.M.E. Church and to St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. Founded in 1866, St. Philip’s is usually
acknowledged as the third African American church in Buffalo.
Register at https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAld-ihpz0rGNbxm05HWe2hUEmbhdnMaN_9